Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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The SGTDS is a multidisciplinary school that focuses on various aspects of the social sciences. The mission of the SGTDS is to emerge as a center of excellence for teaching and research in critical fields of Gandhian Studies and Development Studies. The current frontier areas of school include Social and Economic Thoughts of Gandhi, Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, Development Economics, Applied Economics, Politics, History of Freedom Movement, Rural Development, Local Governance, Gandhian Education, Education and Development, Globalizations, Gender Studies, Social Entrepreneurship and many other key areas related to theoretical and empirical understanding of social sciences. To learn more about our course structure, please refer to our syllabus schemes at Gandhian and Development Studies. We currently offer the following programmes at SGTDS.

M.A. Gandhian Studies
2 Years
M.A. Development Studies
2 Years
M.Phil. in Gandhian Studies(Discontinued from 2021 onwards)
1 Year
M.Phil. in Development Studies(Discontinued from 2021 onwards)
Ph.D. Programme