Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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How Pupils Think

Dr. Noushad P P, SGTDS

Abstract: A style is a preferred way of thinking (Sternberg, 1999). According to Sternberg (1997) Intellectual Style is the way one chooses to use one’s aptitudes. Intellectual Style refers to what a person prefers to do, and how they like to do it. Understanding Intellectual Styles can help people better understand why some activities fit them and others don’t, and even why some people fit them and others don’t (Sternberg, 1999). Intellectual Styles refer to our preferred ways of using our abilities (Sternberg, 1997; Zhang & Sternberg, 2006). As an individual- difference variable in human performance, Intellectual Styles have long been investigated.  It seems plausible that at least some portions of stylistic preferences are inherited. It also seems to be partially socialised construct, just as is Intelligence (.Sternberg, 1985). To some extent society structures tasks along lines that benefit one style or another in a given situation. There is a continuous feedback loop between the exercise of a style and how well that style work in a societal imposed task. There are several factors that are likely to affect the development of Intellectual Style. Among them a major factor is Culture. Some cultures are likely to be more rewarding of certain styles than others. Traditionally, a Type I style (creativity generating) has more acceptable in males than in females. Creativity generating styles is generally encouraged in preschool for the young. What parents encourage and reward is likely to be reflected in the life of the child. Some religions, as practiced in the everyday world, are more encouraging of questioning and confrontation than others. Kind of Schooling and occupation also affect the development of intellectual Styles. Culture, Gender, Age, Parenting Style, Religion, Kind of Schooling and occupation are those factors affecting Intellectual Style (Sternberg, 1985). Students need to be taught to capitalise upon their strengths, and to remediate and compensate for their weaknesses. Some remediation of weaknesses is probable and possible. Ultimately, the theory of Intellectual Styles will serve not only as a basis for a test of such variable, but also as a basis for training, that maximizes people’s flexibility in their encounters with things, others, and themselves. Using appropriate styles in various contexts is key to successful behaviour of an individual. The present investigation is an attempt to explore the stylistic tendencies on thinking of secondary school students.

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