Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Prof. Noushad PP

Prof. Noushad PP is the current Director of the School. Prof. Noushad focuses his research and teaching on topics such as Developmental Studies, Social Statistics, Research Methodology, Education and Development, Educational Policy Studies, Educational Ideals of Gandhi, Peace Education and Alternative Education.

Noushad has a PhD in Education under Teacher Fellowship Scheme of University Grants Commission. He holds a Master’s degree in Education, History, and Sociology. He was Rank Holder of MA and M Ed Programmes in Calcut Uinversity, Kerala. He started his career as a school teacher and later elevated as a teacher educator at Farook Training College, Calicut. After 12 years’ experience in teacher education, he joined as an Associate Professor at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in July 2018.

He is presently the Director of Printing and Publishing of Mahatma Gandhi University, Joint Director of Institute for Multidisciplinary Programmes in Social Sciences (IMPSS) and Member, Planning Board of Mahatma Gandhi University. He was also a member of the University’s Research Committee and served as Programme Coordinator of the National Service Scheme at Mahatma Gandhi University. He is actively involved in the academic bodies of various universities, including membership in various boards of study at Mahatma Gandhi University and Calicut University.

He successfully guided PhD and MPhil scholars under his guidance and a number of MPhil and PhD scholars currently pursuing their research under his guidance. He has conducted three research projects funded by the University Grants Commission, the Kerala State Higher Education Council and the Government of Kerala’s Department of Minority Welfare.

He acted as an expert in preparing school textbooks in the social sciences of Kerala. He also extends his expertise to conduct a variety of research on various school education issues conducted by SCERT, Kerala. He is a resource person for various UGC-HRDC, SCERT Kerala, Institutes of Management in Government, PMMMNMTT Projects and various other governmental and non-governmental agencies. He developed MOOC modules for ARPIT (Annual Refresher Programmes in Teaching) for MHRD co-ordinated by the Central University of Kerala. He has also acted as an external expert for examinations of various universities and other agencies conducting competitive examinations.

He has presented articles and invited lectures at over 100 national and international seminars and conferences. He has published extensively more than 50 research articles in leading journals and 6 books on various themes in the social sciences and education.

You can get in touch with Dr. Noushad at